Quantum Teleportation Emulation on a TI-84 Plus CE-T

Posted by on December 30, 2024

This is not useful. The only reason I would want to do it is because it is not so straightforward (awkward is maybe the right word) on a calculator. In my book that makes it fun. For us masochistic nerds. No-one in their right mind would want to waste their time on this. The circuit I am supposed to emulate is this:

My calculator has Python. I am not a Python programmer. I hate Python. I am an old-school C programmer. But it should be possible to do as Python can do actual (even multi-dimensional) arrays and has, unlike the even more horrible and basically (pun intended) useless TI-Basic that comes with the calculator, actual functions and subroutines. Follow my progress for the next few days. Or will this be the hill I die on?

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