Walking in The Côte d’Azur

A slightly cold and wet trip to Nice still provided good and even great walking, see http://www.islandwalking.com/nice.html.

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Continuing to fill the Photo Album

Added Norway.

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Nice in Nice?

Finally something new again, for some various snapshots of things of interest in and outside of Nice, see http://www.islandwalking.com/piwigo/index.php?/category/32.

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Walking on Amorgos

I have been made aware of this new book about walking on Amorgos. This should be a very good addition to the fairly sorry amount of updated walking information for that island. Check it out!


Title: Amorgos – A Walker’s & Visitor’s Guide
Author(s): Paul and Henrietta Delahunt-Rimmer
ISBN: 0955628822

Also added to the Book Shop.

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More and more Pictures

Added Croatia, Cyprus, France, Italy and Malta.

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Pictures from Spain

Entire Spain category is ready, see http://www.islandwalking.com/piwigo/index.php?/category/9.

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Pictures from Portugal

Slowly but surely the photo album will be filled with pictures again. Sorry, there will be no actually new pictures in there for a while now. Since the latest addition was for Portugal I have uploaded the rest I have too. If you have not seen them before, take a look.

See http://www.islandwalking.com/piwigo/index.php?/category/2.

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Piwigo part 3

As promised I will walk through the technical details on installing Piwigo. Actually surprisingly little technical insight is really needed, or at least would have been needed if just some small details were not left out of the installation guides for these products. These are the steps:

1. Install Apache (or another web server, if necessary)

My iBook had Apache 1.3 already running. Not new, but good enough, skip to next step.

2. Install PHP.

My iBook is running MacOS X 10.4, and an installation of PHP 5.2.4 can be found at http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/.

Goes like a breeze this. Checking that the installation went well: http://mrwalker.redirectme.net/~haha/phpinfo.php.

3. Install MySQL.

Installation of MySQL 5.1 for MacOS X 10.4 can be found at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html. But here is the snag: The download link for PowerPC has been unexplainably removed! I wasted hours here, not realizing I had installed an Intel-only build. The installation package just silently does its thing saying nothing. The “real” downloads for my system could be found hidden away at http://downloads.mysql.com/archives.php?p=mysql-5.1&v=5.1.40.

Now everything installed (again…) and even worked!

After installing MySQL use a terminal window to check it:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql test

Now (at least) set a password on the MySQL master account:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password your_new_password

4. Install some MySQL GUI to create and maintain your databases. Use this to create a database for use with Piwigo, you can call it anything you like. I can recommend Sequel Pro which worked nicely for me.

5. Install Piwigo.

Piwigo has a NetInstall which is easy to use. Except that it does not actually tell you that you do need to CREATE a database first. It does NOT do this automatically for you. Well, we did this in step 4 above. You can find the NetInstall at http://piwigo.org/basics/installation_netinstall.

6. Start using Piwigo. You would probably want to download pLoader to load your database with images. Find your pLoader at http://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=15846.

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Piwigo part 2

Yes, it went well (with one snag, more on the technical details later…), the result can be seen “live” at http://mrwalker.redirectme.net/~haha/piwigo/. However, the absolute easiest way to publish your pictures from your own computer must be with Opera Unite, but there is a bug currently that does not rotate the pictures according to the EXIF information. You can see that on http://home.mrwalker.operaunite.com/photo_sharing/

I am serving this now partly from an old iBook G4 (webserver and Piwigo photo album), partly from my new laptop, a MacBook Pro (running Opera Unite).

The old iBook will be left on and should be available at most times, mirroring my “real” pages:



The MacBook running Unite will only be available when I am using it, but I have activated the same basic services there as an example:


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Looks like the new photo album thing works pretty well. You might wonder (at least I do) if it is difficult to host this Piwigo software on your own computer? I mean instead of relying on a web hotel that offers it. The answer will be given later. For now, let us see what BlueHost (my host) is using to support such solutions. It should come as no big surprise that what is needed is the web server itself (of course), server side scripting (PHP in this case) and a database system (the popular MySQL). This is what they are running:

  • Apache version 2.2.14
  • PHP version 5.2.11
  • MySQL version 5.1.45
    • That’s it. All free software, as Piwigo is. Promising…

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